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Started in order to make it easier for South Africans who have an interest in homeopathy to access the remedies they need easily. We stock the commonly used remedies as well as ones that may be less well known.


Get better with

our remedies

Pet Remedies

First Aid Help

Homeopathy is a wonderfully effective and affordable therapy for treating all types of animals. Remarkably safe and without side effects. However, the key lies in matching the symptoms to the correct remedy. If the correct matching remedy is chosen, the response is quick, with absolutely no improvement if the remedy does not match correctly.

As these are mostly first aid remedies, take the animal to a vet if the condition does not improve quickly.

These remedies can be ordered as granules or liquid. (alcohol or glycerine bases)

Calendula (Marigold)

Calendula (Marigold)

The beautiful gold pincushiony look of CALENDULA, commonly known as marigold has the very official sounding name Calendula officinalis.  A very grand name for this ancient plant which has proved its medicinal worth over centuries.   The binary name, officinalis,...

Welcome to Homeopathy SA

Welcome to Homeopathy SA

My introduction to homeopathy was an interesting road.  Living in Ireland at the time I became friends with a lady homeopath.  As she was totally committed to homeopathy she started advising me on which remedies to use for first aid conditions, culminating in her...

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Homeopathy SA
P.O. BOX 64018
